Thursday, September 3, 2020

Database Solutions

DATABASE SOLUTIONS (second Edition) THOMAS M CONNOLLY and CAROLYN E BEGG SOLUTIONS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 1 Introduction-Review addresses 1. 1List four instances of database frameworks other than those recorded in Section 1. 1. A few models could be: †¢A framework that keeps up segment part subtleties for a vehicle producer; †¢An promoting organization keeping subtleties all things considered and adverts set with them; †¢A preparing organization keeping course data and participants’ subtleties; †¢An association keeping up all business request data. 1. 2Discuss the significance of every one of the accompanying terms: (a)dataFor end clients, this comprises all the various qualities associated with the different articles/elements that are of worry to them. (b)database A common assortment of consistently related information (and a depiction of this information), intended to meet the data needs of an association. (c)database the board framework A product fr amework that: empowers clients to characterize, make, and keep up the database and gives controlled access to this database. (d)application program A PC program that cooperates with the database by giving a fitting solicitation (ordinarily a SQL explanation) to the DBMS. (e)data independenceThis is basically the detachment of fundamental record structures from the projects that work on them, likewise called program-information freedom. (f)views. A virtual table that doesn't really exist in the database yet is produced by the DBMS from the basic base tables at whatever point it’s got to. These present just a subset of the database that is specifically noteworthy to a client. Perspectives can be modified, for instance, field names may change, and they additionally give a degree of security keeping clients from seeing certain information. 1. 3Describe the principle attributes of the database approach.Focus is currently on the information first, and afterward the applications. Th e structure of the information is presently kept separate from the projects that work on the information. This is held in the framework index or information word reference. Projects would now be able to share information, which is not, at this point divided. There is likewise a decrease in excess, and accomplishment of program-information autonomy. 1. 4Describe the five segments of the DBMS condition and talk about how they identify with one another. (1)Hardware:The PC system(s) that the DBMS and the application programs run on. This can run from a solitary PC, to a solitary centralized computer, to a system of PCs. 2)Software:The DBMS programming and the application programs, along with the working framework, including system programming if the DBMS is being utilized over a system. (3)Data:The information goes about as a scaffold between the equipment and programming segments and the human parts. As we’ve as of now stated, the database contains both the operational informati on and the meta-information (the ‘data about data’). (4)Procedures:The directions and decides that administer the structure and utilization of the database. This may remember directions for how to sign on to the DBMS, make reinforcement duplicates of the database, and how to deal with equipment or programming disappointments. 5)People:This incorporates the database architects, database directors (DBAs), application software engineers, and the end-clients. 1. 5Describe the issues with the customary two-level customer server engineering and talk about how these issues were overwhelmed with the three-level customer server design. In the mid-1990s, as applications turned out to be progressively unpredictable and conceivably could be sent to hundreds or thousands of end-clients, the customer side of this engineering offered ascend to two issues: †¢A ‘fat’ customer, requiring significant assets on the client’s PC to run adequately (assets incorporate plate space, RAM, and CPU power). A critical customer side organization overhead. By 1995, another variety of the conventional two-level customer server model seemed to take care of these issues called the three-level customer server engineering. This new engineering proposed three layers, each conceivably running on an alternate stage: (1)The UI layer, which runs on the end-user’s PC (the customer). (2)The business rationale and information handling layer. This center level sudden spikes in demand for a server and is frequently called the application server. One application server is intended to serve different customers. (3)A DBMS, which stores the information required by the center tier.This level may run on a different server called the database server. The three-level structure has numerous focal points over the customary two-level plan, for example, †¢A ‘thin’ customer, which requires more affordable equipment. †¢Simplified application upkeep, bec ause of unifying the business rationale for some end-clients into a solitary application server. This kills the worries of programming appropriation that are tricky in the conventional two-level customer server design. †¢Added seclusion, which makes it simpler to adjust or supplant one level without influencing different levels. Simpler burden adjusting, again because of isolating the center business rationale from the database capacities. For instance, a Transaction Processing Monitor (TPM) can be utilized to diminish the quantity of associations with the database server. (A TPM is a program that controls information move among customers and servers so as to give a predictable situation to Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). ) An extra favorable position is that the three-level engineering maps normally to the Web condition, with a Web program going about as the ‘thin’ customer, and a Web server going about as the application server.The three-level customer serv er design is delineated in Figure 1. 4. 1. 6Describe the capacities that ought to be given by a cutting edge full-scale multi-client DBMS. Information Storage, Retrieval and UpdateAuthorization Services A User-Accessible CatalogSupport for Data Communication Transaction SupportIntegrity Services Concurrency Control ServicesServices to Promote Data Independence Recovery ServicesUtility Services 1. 7Of the capacities portrayed in your response to Question 1. 6, which ones do you think would not be required in an independent PC DBMS? Give support to your answer.Concurrency Control Services †just single client. Approval Services †just single client, yet might be required if various people are to utilize the DBMS at various occasions. Utility Services †restricted in scope. Backing for Data Communication †just independent framework. 1. 8Discuss the preferences and burdens of DBMSs. A few points of interest of the database approach incorporate control of information exc ess, information consistency, sharing of information, and improved security and respectability. A few inconveniences incorporate intricacy, cost, diminished execution, and higher effect of a failure.Chapter 2 The Relational Model †Review addresses 2. 1Discuss every one of the accompanying ideas with regards to the social information model: (a)relation A table with segments and columns. (b)attribute A named segment of a connection. (c)domain The arrangement of reasonable qualities for at least one properties. (d)tuple A record of a connection. (e)relational database. An assortment of standardized tables. 2. 2Discuss the properties of a social table. A social table has the accompanying properties: †¢The table has a name that is unmistakable from every single other table in the database. †¢Each cell of the table contains precisely one worth. For instance, it is inappropriate to store a few phone numbers for a solitary branch in a solitary cell. At the end of the day, tab les don’t contain rehashing gatherings of information. A social table that fulfills this property is supposed to be standardized or in first typical structure. ) †¢Each section has an unmistakable name. †¢The estimations of a section are all from a similar area. †¢The request of segments has no essentialness. As such, gave a section name is moved alongside the segment esteems, we can exchange segments. †¢Each record is particular; there are no copy records. The request for records has no hugeness, hypothetically. 2. 3Discuss the contrasts between the applicant keys and the essential key of a table. Clarify what is implied by an outside key. How do outside keys of tables identify with applicant keys? Offer guides to outline your response. The essential key is the competitor key that is chosen to distinguish tuples remarkably inside a connection. An outside key is a property or set of characteristics inside one connection that coordinates the competitor key of a few (perhaps the equivalent) connection. 2. 4What does an invalid represent?Represents an incentive for a segment that is at present obscure or isn't pertinent for this record. 2. 5Define the two head respectability rules for the social model. Examine why it is alluring to implement these principles. Element integrityIn a base table, no segment of an essential key can be invalid. Referential integrityIf a remote key exists in a table, either the outside key worth must match a competitor key estimation of some record in its home table or the remote key worth must be completely invalid. Part 3 SQL and QBE †Review addresses 3. 1What are the two significant segments of SQL and what capacity do they serve?A information definition language (DDL) for characterizing the database structure. An information control language (DML) for recovering and refreshing information. 3. 2Explain the capacity of every one of the provisions in the SELECT explanation. What limitations are forced on these provisos? FROMspecifies the table or tables to be utilized; WHEREfilters the lines subject to some condition; GROUP BYforms gatherings of lines with a similar segment esteem; HAVINGfilters the gatherings subject to some condition; SELECTspecifies which sections are to show up in the yield; ORDER BYspecifies the request for the yield. 3. What limitations apply to the utilization of the total capacities inside the SELECT proclamation? How do nulls influence the total capacities? A total capacity can be utilized distinctly in the SELECT rundown and in the HAVING cl

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Getting the Best From Your Essay Samples

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Slums of Beverly Hills Essay Example For Students

Ghettos of Beverly Hills Essay In the film, Slums of Beverly Hills, Vivian Abramowitz, the fundamental character, is a young lady who is living in her own insane world. She is experiencing childhood in Beverly Hills during the late seventies. As she creatures her sexual transitioning she has an incredibly troublesome time understanding and tolerating these changes, she even will in general inquiry her sexuality and the individuals that are around her. During the film, the characters battle with their funds, which numerous individuals even today can comprehend. Likewise it appeared as though young people turned out to be a piece of a subculture, of their own. Ghettos of Beverly Hills speak to the battles and struggle of regular Americans, all simultaneously watching Vivian see progressively about her. The main scene opens up to Vivian and her dad in the shopping center endeavoring to get a fitting for her first historically speaking bra at fifteen years old. By investigating the film with a sociological view, I thought that it was intriguing that the more established ladies called attention to that Vivian is a â€Å"tomboy†. Directly off the bat, her sexuality is appearing on the other side. She is by all accounts anxious about her father being with her, and even the business partner is stunned this is the first occasion when she has ever come to get one. All through the sum of the film Vivian makes some troublesome memories tolerating what her identity is, and how her body is changing into something calm diverse then what she is unmistakably used to. Relating her encounters to this present reality of others, I accept she never had any direction because of the absence of a female figure inside their family. Regularly, inside explicit family setups there is a relationship identified with juvenile sex understanding. An investigation that was done on ladies matured 15-19 found that, â€Å"teenage young ladies who have been raised by a solitary parent are bound to have non military sex than young ladies from unblemished marriages† (Miller). This investigation can identify with Vivian on the grounds that a solitary parent also has raised her, since her folks separated and her mom moved to the opposite side of the nation. Vivian had nobody to talk help her comprehend what was happening with her body, and I felt like she was progressively inquisitive that keen on Eliot, her neighbor who lived nearby. That’s why she would consistently say, â€Å"It was only a structure thing. † Teenage years can be genuinely unbalanced, and honestly entirely awkward. During this time, everybody can notice and see the progressions that a young lady experiences, while a kid is about never minimized due to his changes. Young men don’t change obviously an excessive amount of when they arrive at youngster hood, however this film demonstrated that is it socially alright so reprimand and point out when young ladies are gotten well endowed, and even kin start to gaze at their creating sisters chest. Investigating the thoughts of adolescence, â€Å"obvious indications of advancement, for example, sprouting bosoms, pubic and underarm hair and stench are showing up sooner in young ladies. In any case, there has been just a slight move in the time of menarche (the principal time frame) in the course of recent decades. In the United States, the normal age is 12. 5 years, down from 12. 75 of every 1970. † (Etheridge) Next, when Vivian’s explicitly freed cousin Rita, whom is a pregnant medication someone who is addicted, before long moves in with her and her family she creatures to be a â€Å"anti-good example. This is on the grounds that she really sets Vivian straight, despite the fact that she is somebody who has no clue what she needs to do with her life as a twenty-multi year old. In todays society and even in the late seventies, where the story line of this film happens, individuals will in general battle with taking care of their tabs, and having enough cash to he lp their families. During the film, Murray Abramowitz, father of three makes some hard memories staying aware of paying every one of their condo rents. .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 , .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 .postImageUrl , .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 , .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52:hover , .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52:visited , .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52:active { border:0!important; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52:active , .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52:hover { darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u66d1bc653cc0 b795f03528e207796c52 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u66d1bc653cc0b795f03528e207796c52:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: In this paper I will talk about how Alfred HitchcockSo him and his family would move starting with one affected and cheap condo then onto the next to evade proprietors and to abstain from loosing out on the instructive educational system in Beverly Hills. Murray isn't the only one, â€Å"just thirty-eight percent of tenants confronted excessively expensive lodging costs in 2000, however that has ascended to an entire 50% of the leasing populace across the nation. The mix of stale wages, a drawn out joblessness emergency, mass abandonments, and a contracting pool of moderate lodging choices has squeezed the leaseholder advertis e from each bearing as of late, pushing costs up over the board† (Pyke). With this being stated, despite the fact that we are thirty years ahead, we are as yet battling with paying for our homes, and paying our rents. In spite of the fact that Murray went the incorrect route about doing as such, by bouncing from condo to loft, he speaks to numerous Americans, and how they are continually feeling. Like we discussed as a class, I trust Murray battles with job struggle. He needs to be a decent dad to his youngsters, and yet he desires for an organization, and battles to stay aware of the bills. One thing that astounded me extraordinarily about Murray was the point at which he and his family when to the Sizzler café for some steak. A subculture normally clarifies the practices of a particular gathering. Individuals of various subcultures all the more frequently then not have their own qualities, practices and convictions. There is by all accounts a whole subculture that wait in Beverly Hills yet they really have no cash. At the point when the watcher meets Eliot, the kid who Vivian is keen on, I discovered a lot of enthusiasm for the way that he was wearing a Charles Manson shirt. For what reason would the maker have him wear a shirt with this specific individual? Charles Manson was a horrendous man, â€Å"in 1969, he and his â€Å"family† of supporters slaughtered blameless individuals trying to begin a counterrevolution in the United Statesthe Manson murders carried the conclusion to a period of free love, harmony and joy. † (Atchison). Having Eliot wear this shirt, it very awesome, this is because of the way that Charles Manson executed such huge numbers of individuals, and not by any means ten years after the fact and Eliot and wearing a shirt with his face set on it. This causes it to appear to me as though Eliot is concurring and is tolerating of the brutalities that Manson was blameworthy of. Next Ben, Vivian’s more seasoned sibling was likewise part of a specific subculture. He, in the same way as other different young people of his time smoked cannabis. As a watcher it really stunned me that he was so open to looking at smoking his pot, even before his more youthful sibling Rickey. Obviously, he is put resources into smoking, he even attempted to make a wager with Eliot, sand â€Å"Give me a markdown and you can have my sister† as though he’d do anything just got get his hands on the medications. As indicated by one examination, â€Å"bongs have gotten a staple of youth maryjane subcultures. Famous references to bong smoking emerge in movies and music verses. Youth appear to fundamentally take part in bong smoking when there are groups† (Kelly). One final piece of a subculture I came to comprehend was the manner in which Murray felt about African Americans. In spite of the fact that this film happens in the late seventies it was as yet obvious that he had solid suppositions possibly about subjection and individuals of this ethnicity. During their time at supper, Murray starts to whistle at a youthful African American man that was working at the eatery. He at that point calls him ‘Jackson’ in want to get administration. Right at that point, an age hole is obvious when Ben and Vivian both beginning what their father is doing, and they consistently tell their dad that he can't do that any longer. .uff4d0af6af94238fc5bc699fc47dc2f5 , .uff4d0af6af94238fc5bc699fc47dc2f5 .postImageUrl , .uff4d0af6af94238fc5

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Transformation UML Language

Chapter 1: Introduction Context of the Problem The Unified Modeling Language is a graphical modeling language used for the visualization, specification, construction, and documentation of object-oriented software systems. It has been adopted by the Object Management Group (OMG) and is widely accepted as a standard in industry and research. The UML provides thirteen types of diagrams for different purpose. This thesis focuses on sequence and class diagram known as structure diagram and behavior diagram. Sequence forms concentrate on the presentation of dynamic aspects of a software system, and class forms the structural view of software system. Sequence diagrams stress time ordering while Class focus on static. In Model-driven Architecture (MDA), class diagram is the source for code generation in object-oriented development (Pender, 2003), so how to map what we find in the interaction diagram back to class diagram become an important subject if we want to develop system from behavior aspect initially. There are some existing relatively modest tool supports exploiting the logical dependencies of UML diagrams. Some systems maintain method lists across class diagrams and sequence diagrams and the transformation between sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams. However, nowadays, the two diagrams that sequence and Class are draw divided and can not be transformed between each oth er. And there is no comprehensive framework that would support such mechanisms throughout these two diagram types in a systematic way (Selonen et al., 2003). That waste much time to maintain system and often make the system development documents should rewrite again and again. To solve these problems, a transformation theorem which proposed by Selonen et al. (2003) is cited in this paper. Selonen et al. (2003) propose a framework and categorize meaningful transformation operations between different diagram types in UML. These operations can be used, for example, for model checking, merging, slicing and synthesis (Selonen et al., 2003). The transformation operation can be used as a basis of tool support in UML-based modeling tools. With these operations, we can get the benefits as follows: Class Diagram becomes easier and faster to create because they can be achieved as results of automated operations. Class Diagram becomes more consistent and correct because they are either produced or updated automatically, or checked against each other exploiting the transformation operations. Improve the software development process. The process of agile modeling become from use case to sequence diagram and then translated to class diagram. It will be more simply and efficiency. Research Question and sub-questions How does the transformation between sequence and Class diagrams make systems easier to develop and maintain and avoid system development documents to be rewritten all the time? 1. What are meta-modeling, Meta Object Facility and Object Constraint language? 2. How to operate the transformation? 3. How does the transformation work in the real world (Examples)? Significance of the Study Sequence diagrams provide a natural and easy medium for designing the examples of typical dynamic interactions of objects, often as refined representations of use cases. After modeling examples of interactions, the designer should add the information implied by the sequence diagrams to the static view (class diagrams), or check that the static view conforms to the sequence diagrams (Selonen et al., 2000). The sequence diagram and class diagram derived from the same use case and can not be transformed between each other. This paper discusses a particular UML transformation operation mentioned in (Selonen et al., 2003), which transforms from a sequence diagram into a class diagram. The transformation operation is based on the UML 2.0 Specification (OMG, 2003), which defines the syntax and semantics of UML. The thesis defines the rules on the phases of this transformation operation and gives a transformation example to show the result of transformation. This paper will concentrate on the conceptual research of UML semantics, and do not concentrate on any development tool. However, OCL will be used to describe the transformation rules and hoped can be used in UML-based modeling tools development. I hope that the steps of modeling will improve; Support for synthesizing a new class diagram from an existing sequence diagram can provide significant help for the designer. Such synthesis operation helps the designer keep the two diagrams consistent because the synthesized class diagram can be compared with existing class diagram. The transformation operation also speeds up the design process, and to decrease the risk of human errors. In UML CASE tool vendors can implement this transformation operation in their tools to get the benefits described above. Research Design and Methodology The protocol for this research project is mostly using qualitative by design. A Case study will be used as the most important a strategy of research methodology in the study. The research process consists of six steps. It collects and analysis the documents and papers which are corresponding to the UML transformation thesis, OCL and MDA transformation theory. Then proposing a transformation framework for transformation from sequence diagram to class diagram and concluding transformation mapping rules. This paper will testify and revise the transformation mapping rules via implement a real case of agile modeling development process. And finally proposing the research result, and discuss the conclusion and future work. Organization of the Study Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter one introduces the research. This chapter will present the context of the problem, the problem statement, the main research question, the significance of the study, and the research methodology used to address the main research question. Chapter 2: Review of the Literature Chapter two gives an overview of the background literature for the thesis. Chapter 3: Meta-modeling, Meta Object Facility and Object Constraint language Chapter three will give the brief introduction of UML, MDA, meta-model, transformation and OCL are described at first, followed are the separate meta-models of sequence and class diagram. Chapter 4: Operation of the Transformation Chapter four will propose a framework of transformation from Sequence diagram to Class diagram. Also, a rule will be defined on every phase of transformation, using OCL to describe transformation rules. Chapter 5: Example of the Translations Chapter five will be working on a Cas e Study, and demonstrating the transformation for a true case in the real world. Chapter 6: Conclusion Chapter six will present the summery and conclusion. Chapter 2: Review of Literature 2.1 UML The complexity in software development process of getting from a set of requirements to a proper abstraction of the solution leads people to develop models. A model is a simplification of something so we can view, manipulate, and reason about it, and so help us understand the complexity inherent in the subject under study (Mellor et al., 2004). The UML is a family of graphical notations, backed by single meta-model, that help in describing and designing software systems, particularly software systems built using the object-oriented (OO) style (Fowler, 2003). The Unified Modeling Language (UML), since adopted as a standard (UML 1.1) by OMG in 1997, has become a widely accepted as standard for modeling a software system. The latest UML version 2.0 has been formally adopted in June 2003, and it will be applied throughout this thesis. UML 2 describes 13 official diagram types which fall in two categories depending on whether they describe structural or behavioral aspects of a softwa re system. The UML can capture an array of processes and structures which related to business and software. UML has such power that a modeler can use it for the general architecture of any construction that has both a static structure and dynamic behavior. A project can rely on UML as the standard language to express requirements, system design, deployment instructions, and code structure (Eriksson et al., 2004). 2.2 Agile Modeling Test case modeling and an evolutionary approach are two major and strongly related techniques to model transformation (Rumpe, 2004). UML nowadays has become popular modeling language for software intensive systems used. Models can be used for a variety of purposes. One advantage of using models for test case description is the application specific parts which are modeled with UML-diagrams, such as connection to frameworks, error handling, persistence, or communication are handled by the parameterized code generator (Rumpe, 2004). This allows us to develop models which can be independent of any technology or platform, such as PIM. When the technology changes, we only need to update the generator, and the application defining models can directly be reused. This concept also directly supports the above mentioned MDA-Approach (OMG, 2005) of the OMG. Another important merit is that both of the production code and automatically executable tests are modeled by the same UML diagrams. Therefore developers could use a single homogeneous language to describe implementation and tests. This will enhance the availability of tests at the beginning of the coding activities. Analogously to the â€Å"test first approach† (Beck, 2001), sequence diagrams are used for test cases and can be taken from the previously modeled requirements. When we start software modeling by drawing classes in a class diagram does not mean we are developing a class model. Instead, we are developing a software model by defining static aspects through a static view. If we start our development by drawing a dynamic diagram, like the state or sequence diagram, we are developing a software model by defining dynamic aspects through a dynamic view. The class and sequence diagrams could better be called structural and dynamic views. They are all written in the same language: UML (Kleppe et al, 2003). In Agile modeling (Ambler, 2002), we develop an Information system in following steps by u sing UML. System Use Case Models UI Prototypes UML Class Diagrams UML Sequence Diagrams UML Activity Diagrams Use case diagram shows a number of external actors and their connection to the use cases that the system provides. A use case is a description of a functionality (a specific usage of the system) that the system provides. The description of the actual use case is normally done in plain text or as a document linked to the use case. The functionality and flow can also be described using an activity diagram. The use case description only views the system behavior as the user perceives it and does not describe how the functionality is provided inside the system. Use cases define the functional requirements of the system. Sequence diagrams address an interaction and may be used to model flows within use cases (Booch et al., 1999). They show how the objects interact to execute operations, emphasis on the time ordering of the messages. Class diagrams shows a collection of declarative (static) model elements, such as classes, types, and their contents and relationships. Once we have the use cases, the next step is to create the class diagram. This is the heart of the object-oriented model. This paper concentrates on the steps of modeling from Use Case Models to Class Diagrams and sequence Diagrams. 2.3 MDA The MDA is a new software engineering approach developed and published by the Object Management Group (OMG). One fundamental observation in the evolution of living software systems over the years is that their basic design models are mostly unchanged. Most changes to evolving software systems take place only at engineering level, forced by the introduction of new technologies and platforms (BAohme et al., 2005). MDA promotes simply the usage of models for the whole software system development. To capture the problem of technology evolution MDA defines two categories of models. The first one is for abstract modeling of the software systems at the design level. This model class is called Platform Independent Model (PIM). The second category is related to specific platforms and technologies. It contains mainly engineering aspects of the software system and is called Platform Specific Model (PSM). Between these two classes of models, MDA defines a relation in the form of several tra nsformations, which ensure the structural equivalence of PIM and PSM. Another key issue of MDA is a technology framework for different kinds of model handling (storage, exchange, mapping of models, etc.). The Meta Object Facility (MOF) (OMG, 2000) is convenient for this purpose. Historically modeling languages were defined by abstract grammars. MOF instead defines modeling languages on the base of so-called Meta-Models. Meta-Models are models (instances) of built-in MOF concepts. Using this framework the developer can focus more on the definition of mappings between models rather than having to struggle with ordinary model handling. This is due to the fact that MOF comes with a method for the definition of model classes (Meta-Models) and for the exchange of models using the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI). In addition, MOF provides mappings of Meta-Models to repository interfaces as well. Such a repository holds all necessary information about model instances. The above argumen t is correct for most of todays component technology. To show the real application we have to choose concrete Meta-Models for PIM and PSM. This also leads to the selection of appropriate Meta-Models and notations for PIM and PSM. One requirement for both is the support of the component concept as a first class concept. Moreover, the Meta-Model for the PSM should be part of a well-defined and established component technology. Because the spread industrial usage is a process consuming several years, the suitable technologies have traditional syntax based languages for component definition. MDA exploits the emergence of a class of tools, which support model translation and allow meta-model manipulation. Meta-models are models of the formalism used to build models. They define the various kinds of contained model elements and the way they are arranged, related and constrained. The process of developing a model results in the creation of instances of the model elements defined in t he meta-model – the meta-model is â€Å"populated† with instance data. Model transformation is the process of converting a model expressed in one formalism to another model of the same system expressed using a different formalism. This can be achieved by building a meta-model of each of the source and target model representations and then defining a mapping between them. The meta-model of the source model is populated with instance data of the specific source model to be transformed. The mapping rules are applied as a set of operations invoked on the source meta-model, which results in a meta-model of the target model populated with instance data. This populated target meta-model is then used to generate the target model (or possibly the target text in the case of code generation. (Bloomfield, 2005) 2.4 Models, modeling, and MDA Models and model-driven software development are at the heart of the MDA approach. So it is appropriate to start by looking at what is being practiced when enterprise application developers take advantage of modeling. In the software engineering world, modeling has a rich tradition from the earliest days of programming. The most recent innovations have focused on notations and tools that allow users to express system perspectives of value to software architects and developers in ways that are readily mapped into the programming language code that can be compiled for a particular operating system platform. The current state of this practice employs the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the primary modeling notation (Rumbaugh et al.,1999). The UML allows development teams to capture a variety of important characteristics of a system in corresponding models. Transformations among these models are primarily manual, with tool support for managing traceability and dependency relation ships among modeling elements, supported by best practice guidance on how to maintain synchronized models as part of a large-scale development effort. One useful way to characterize current practice is to look at the different ways in which the models are synchronized with the source code. Each category identifies a particular use of models in assisting software practitioners to create running applications (code) for a specific runtime platform, and the relationship between the models and the code. Today, most of software developers still take a code-only approach, and do not use separately defined models at all. They rely almost entirely on the code they write, and they express their model of the system they are building directly in a 3rd generation programming language such as Java, C++, or C# within an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as IBM WebSphere Studio, Eclipse, and Microsoft VisualStudio. Any â€Å"modeling† they do is in the form of programming a bstractions embedded in the code (e.g., packages, modules, interfaces, etc.), which are managed through mechanisms such as program libraries and object hierarchies. Any separate modeling of architectural designs is informal and intuitive, and lives on whiteboards, in PowerPoint sides, or in the developers’ heads. While this may be adequate for individuals and very small teams, this approach makes it difficult to understand key characteristics of the system among the details of the implementation of the business logic. Furthermore, it becomes much more difficult to manage the evolution of these solutions as their scale and complexity increases, as the system evolves over time, or when the original members of the design team are not directly accessible to the team maintaining the system. An addition is to provide code visualizations in some appropriate modeling notation. As developers create or analyze an application, they often want to visualize the code through some graphi cal notation that aids their understanding of the code’s structure or behavior. It may also be possible to manipulate the graphical notation as an alternative to editing the text based code, so that the visual rendering becomes a direct representation of the code. Such rendering is sometimes called a code model, or an implementation model, although many feel it more appropriate to call these artifacts â€Å"diagrams† and reserve the use of â€Å"model† for higher levels of abstraction. Some tools that allow such diagrams (e.g., IBM Web Sphere Studio and Borland Together/J), the code view and the model view can be displayed simultaneously; as the developer manipulates either view the other is immediately synchronized with it. In this approach, the diagrams are tightly coupled representations of the code and provide an alternative way to view and possibly edit at the code level. Further advantage of the models can be taken through roundtrip engineering (RTE) between an abstract model of the system describing the system architecture or design, and the code. The developer typically elaborates the system design to some level of detail, then creating a first-pass implementation from the code generated by applying model-to-code transformations, usually manually. For instance, one team working on the high level design provides design models to the team working on the implementation (perhaps simply by printing out model diagrams, or providing the implementation team some files containing the models). The implementation team converts this abstract, high-level design into a detailed set of design models and the programming language implementation. Iterations of these representations will occur as errors and their corrections are made in either the design or the code. Consequently, without considerable discipline, the abstract models and the implementation models usually and quickly – end up out of step. Tools can automate the initial transformation, and can help to keep the design and implementation models in step as they evolve. Typically the tools generate code stubs from the design models that the user has to further refine. As changes are made to the code they must at some point be reconciled with the original model. To achieve this some approach to recognize generated versus user defined code is used such as placing markers in the code. Tools adopting this approach, such as IBM Rational Rose, can offer multiple transformation services supporting RTE between models and different implementation languages. In a model-centric approach, models of the system are established in sufficient detail that the full implementation of the system can be generated from the models themselves. To achieve this, the models may include, for example, representations of the persistent and non persistent data, business logic, and presentation elements. Any integration to legacy data and services may require that the interfaces t o those elements are also modeled. In some cases much more than code stubs can be generated depending on the fidelity of the models of patterns to transform the models to code, frequently allowing the developer some choice in the patterns that are applied (e.g., among various deployment topologies). To further assist in the code generation, this approach frequently makes use of standard or proprietary application frameworks and runtime services that ease the code generation task by constraining the styles of applications that can be generated. Hence, tools using this approach typically specialize in the generation of particular styles of applications (e.g., IBM Rational Rose Technical Developer for real-time embedded systems). However, in all cases the models are the primary artifact created and manipulated by developers. A model-only approach is at the far-right end of the modeling spectrum. In this approach developers use models purely as thought aids in understanding the bu siness or solution domain, or for analyzing the architecture of a proposed solution. Models are frequently used as the basis for discussion, communication, and analysis among teams within a single organization, or across multi-organizational projects. These models frequently appear in proposals for new work, or adorn the walls of offices and cubes in software labs everywhere as a way of understanding some complex domain of interest, and establishing a shared vocabulary and set of concepts among disparate teams. In practice the implementation of a system, whether from scratch or updating an existing solution, may be practically disconnected from the models. An interesting example of this approach can be seen in the growing number of organizations who outsource implementation and maintenance of their systems while maintaining control of the overall enterprise architecture. 2.5 Transformations between UML diagrams UML provides different diagram types supporting the development process from requirements specification to implementation (Selonen et al., 2001). The models presented by different diagrams view a system from different perspectives or from different abstraction levels. Therefore, the various UML models of the same system are not independent specifications but strongly overlapping: they depend on each other in many ways. For Instance, changes in one model may imply changes in another, and a large portion of one model may be synthesized on the basis of another model. So far there exists relatively modest tool support exploiting the logical dependencies of UML models. Some systems (e.g. Rational Rose) maintain, for instance, method lists across class diagrams and sequence diagrams: adding a call of a new method in a sequence diagram automatically causes the corresponding updating of the class symbol in a class diagram. Another example is the transformation between sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams, also supported by Rational Rose. However, there is no comprehensive framework that would support such mechanisms throughout Class diagram and Sequence diagram in a systematic way. This paper studies the relationships of Class diagram and Sequence diagram in UML, and transformation operations that are based on those relationships. A transformation operation takes a UML diagram as its operand (the source diagram), and produces another diagram of another type as its result (the target diagram). It considers such transformation operations as an essential part of a UML- based software design environment. The transformation operations can be used for example in the following ways: Model checking:Are two diagrams consistent with each other? It is much easier to find inconsistencies between two diagrams of the same type than between two diagrams of different types. If the diagrams are of different types, transformation operations can be first applied to obtain two diagrams of the same type, which are then compared for consistency. Model merging:Add the information contained in one diagram to another diagram. Merging the modeling information of two diagrams is much easier when the diagrams are of the same type (Alanen and Porres, 2003). If the diagrams are of different types, transformation operations can be first applied to obtain two diagrams of the same type, which are then merged. Model slicing:Create a partial view of a diagram showing only a particular aspect. Often the aspect can be presented in the form of another diagram (of some other type). For example, one may want to see a dynamic slice of a static diagram. The diagram representing the slicing criterion (for example, a dynamic diagram) can be first transformed into the type of the target diagram (for example, a static diagram). An intersection of the two diagrams of the same type then shows the desired slice. Model synthesis:Produce a diagram on the basis of an existing diagram of another type. This is the most straightforward usage of transformation operations. Such synthesis can be useful for two purposes: to obtain automatically an initial form of a diagram needed in a subsequent phase of the software development process, or to obtain a different view of the information contained by a diagram. The latter may be used just as a transient view on a model, rather than as a persistent design artifact. 2.6 Phase of Transformation Operation Selonen et al. (2003) use the UML meta-model to define the transformation between UML diagrams. Since diagram types are only very loosely defined (the same notation may represent different meaning on different diagrams), we need to establish a precise mapping from a graphical view representing a diagram type to a model; i.e. we must define a model that corresponds to a given diagram. This model contains exactly the logical information exposed by the diagram, needed by the transformation operations. We will call this model the minimal model of the diagram. As we do this for all diagram types, we are able to define transformations between diagram types as functions from the meta-model of a diagram type to the meta-model of another diagram type. Such a function takes the minimal model of the source diagram as its argument, and produces the minimal model of the target diagram. They call the transformation rules the interpretation of the transformation. Assuming that the mappings fro m the source diagram into its minimal model, from this minimal model into the minimal model of the target diagram, and finally into the target diagram, are all defined uniquely, the transformation between two diagram types becomes fully defined (Selonen et al.,2003). First, take a given sequence diagram and map the sequence diagram to its minimal model. Then transform this minimal model to a minimal model of a class diagram. Finally, this minimal model is mapping to a class diagram in model level. This thesis will base on this process to introduce a definite transformation operation. Reference Tom Pender. (2003). UML Bible (1st edition). Wiley, ISBN: 0764526049 Martin Fowler. (2004). UML Distilled (3rd edition), Wesley, ISBN: 0321193687 Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brain Lyons, and David Fado. (2004). UML 2 Toolkit, Wiley, ISBN: 0471463612 Ambler. (2002). Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for Extreme Programming and the Unified Process, Wiley, ISBN: 0471202827 Jos Warmer, Anneke Kleppe.(2003). The Object Constraint Language: Getting Your Models Ready for MDA (2nd Edition), Wesley, ISBN: 0321179366 Grzegorz Rozenberg.(1997). Handbook on Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation: Foundations (1st edition), World Scientific Publishing Company, ISBN: 9810228848 James Rumbaugh, Grady Booch, and Ivar Jacobson. (1999). The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Wesley, ISBN: 020130998X Jams R Rumbaugh, Michael R. Blaha, William Lorensen, Frederick Eddy. (1991). Object-Oriented Modeling and Design, Prentice Hall ; United States Ed edition, ISBN: 0136298419 Rumpe, B.(2004). Agile Modeling with the UML, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Petri Selonen, Kai Koskimies and Markku Sakkinen. (2001). How to Make Apples from Oranges in UML. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Retrieved February 21, 2008, from: Petri Selonen, Kai Koskimies and Markku Sakkinen. (2003). Transformations between UML diagrams. Journal of Database Management. Retrieved February 21, 2008, from: Petri Selonen (2000). Scenario-based Synthesis of Annotated Class Diagrams in UML. Tampere University of Technology, Retrieved February 21, 2008, from: Mellor, S. J., Scott, K., Uhl, A., and Weise,D., MD. (2004). a Distilled: Principles of Model-Driven. Wesley, Retrieved Feb ruary 22, 2008, From:,2005 OMG. (2003). UML 2.0 OCL Specification, Retrieved February 22, 2008, from:,2003 Tony Bloomfield. (2005). MDA,Meta-Modelling,and Model Transformation: introduction New Technology into the Defence Industry, Retrieved February 22, 2008, from:

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Trucking in the United States - 1022 Words

Jacob Baker ECON 210 Microeconomics Economics Research Paper Abstract: This paper will look at the work market for truck drivers in the United States. The effects of a shortage and/or surplus of drivers and how the work market effects the countrys economy, and the workers way of life will be broken down. This paper will look at how adding more jobs to this career also effects the supply and demand of goods, problems of finding qualified workers, and the chances of an individual getting a job with others competing for the same job. Trucking in the United States Introduction It is widely known that logistics is the life blood of anything major. The logistics and transportation industry in the United†¦show more content†¦Something else more experienced drivers are worried about. â€Å"10 years ago I loved driving, now I am scared to drive down the block,† says James about the influx of new drivers in the industry, a driver for Digby Southwest, a trucking company based out of Tucson, AZ. James has refused to divulge his last name. Conclusion In conclusion, to have a healthy economy, goods must be moved to be bought. The trucking industry has been a leading factor in moving goods since the 1900s. Without it, the United States will die in a minimum of 3 days. As for my thoughts on the matter, I believe the government needs to start deregulating this industry. Many veteran drivers are in their retirement years and we will need an influx of new drivers to take the helm. But unfortunately, many of these new drivers are leaving the industry because they cannot handle the pressure put on them by the government. The American highways are the safest they have ever been, so we need to stop thinking about how safe we can make the roads, and start thinking about how we can keep these guys in the industry. Sources -The Logistics and Transportation Industry in the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved July 5, 2015, from -Reports, Trends Statistics. (n.d.). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Brand Audit Examples - 10459 Words

A framework for brand revitalization through an upscale line extension Shantini Munthree and Geoff Bick University of the Witwatersrand, Wits, South Africa, and Russell Abratt Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Abstract Purpose – The objective of the paper is to provide an understanding of how large organisations develop line extensions of their brands and to present guidelines for management when considering an upscale line extension. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative research technique was used in this study. It involved case study research in the beverage industry, where 11 senior marketers were interviewed in depth. Findings –†¦show more content†¦Two strategies to revitalise a brand are: 1 to reposition the brand; and 2 to introduce line extensions that follow business and market shifts (either downscale value segments or upscale premium segments) (Aaker, 1997; Blasberg and Vishwanath, 2003). The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at Journal of Product Brand Management 15/3 (2006) 157–167 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1061-0421] [DOI 10.1108/10610420610668595] 157 Extending a brand There are three types of relationships between a core brand and its line extension (Aaker, 1997). One scenario is when the core brand acts as an endorser of the line extension (Aaker, 1997). An example here is Mentadent P Herbal as the dominant line extension that is endorsed by Mentadent P, the core brand. In the second scenario, the core brand and line extension are co-drivers that exert equal influence on the consumer, such as VW Passat or VW Golf. In the third scenario the core brand is a driver, and the line extension acts as the descriptor – â€Å"a word or phrase that tells the consumers that the company is offering a slight variation to the product they have come to know† (Aaker, 1997 p. 138). An example here is â€Å"Coke† as the core brand and â€Å"Vanilla† as the descriptor in Coke Vanilla. Upscale brand extensions A study by Silverstein and FiskeShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing Audit1229 Words   |  5 Pages1.1 Marketing Audit Marketing audit can be defined as a study, inspection, review and/or evaluation of marketing activities of any company. Basically, it estimates the marketing environment of the company, aims, strategies, and policies of the company. After evaluation of marketing plans and strategies, it has to identify the mistakes, weaknesses, insufficiencies, complications and other issues to be encountered in firm’s marketing purposes. 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Transition to Professional Practice Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Transition to Professional Practice. Answer: Transition to Professional Practice The position statement is clearly stated at the beginning, which makes it easy for the reader to understand what issue the article solves. This justifies why the article was written as well as making it clear what value it adds to the medical field. The introduction and conclusion part enables one understands the issues being discussed which are the registered nurses and the role they play in the healthcare facilities. At the introduction, there is a description of who a Registered Nurse (RN) and why they exist in the hospitals. There is also a description of what they do so as they contribute to the growth and wellbeing of the people in the society. Further, the introduction demystifies the job description of the RNs as they work for an individual, family, or a group(Gardner et al., 2008). At the conclusion part, an evaluation outcome gives detailed information about the nursing practice as a career. It is a summary of the main ideas presented in the paper making it easy to capture the main ideas. The position statement relate to the topic as it shows the connection and flow of the entire article. This gives it a free and open flow that enables a reader to follow from the beginning to the end with ease. It is also easy to understand and expect in the entire paper from the presentation of the position statement at the introduction part of the article(American Nurses Association, 2010). In addition, the position statement succeeds at demonstrating the link to the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice. This means that the reader is aware of what an interested individual that wants to train as a nurse must fulfill and follow so that they can get recognition in Australia. The practices are presented in a way that makes it easy to understand and follow(Funnell et al., 2009). The article uses different colors to demonstrate the major points and lay emphasis on the most important areas that a registered nurse should have as they join the practice. The references used to support the position statement are current from 2015, which means that it has the most credible and reliable information related to the registered nurses. An updated version of guidelines that govern nurses is released after a specified time that enables the nurses improve the services they extend to the patients who are under their care. One of the sources which was written in 2007 is from the Board of Midwives and Nurses in Australia. It has the current decision-making tools used by the medical practitioners as they extend their care to patients. The framework changes after a review by the board depending on the needs brought forward in the clinical practice(Chiarella et al., 2008). The author may have missed some important information as they stated their position in the nursing field. They have not stated the assumptions they made when working on the article, which means they might have picked what to write on the paper and omitted some crucial information that might be of help to the registered nurses. References American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice. Chiarella, M., Thoms, D., Lau, C., McInnes, E. (2008).An overview of the competency movement in nursing and midwifery.Collegian, 15(2), 45-53. Funnell, M. M., Brown, T. L., Childs, B. P., Haas, L. B., Hosey, G. M., Jensen, B., ... Siminerio, L. M. (2009). National standards for diabetes self-management education.Diabetes care, 32(Supplement 1), S87-S94. Gardner, A., Hase, S., Gardner, G., Dunn, S. V., Carryer, J. (2008). From competence to capability: a study of nurse practitioners in clinical practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(2), 250-258.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Themes In Once And Future King Essay Example For Students

Themes In Once And Future King Essay T. H. Whites The Once and Future King is one of the most complete and unique portrayals of the immortal legend of King Arthur. Though it has been in print for less than half a century, it has already been declared a classic by many, and is often referred to as the bible of Arthurian legend. White recreates the epic saga of King Arthur, from his childhood education and experiences until his very death, in a truly insightful and new way. This is not, however, the first complete novel of Arthurs life. In the fifteenth century, Sir Thomas Malory wrote Morte dArthur, the first complete tale of Arthurs life. Since then, a countless number of books have been written on the subject, yet none can compare to The Once and Future King. It has easily become the most popular of all the Arthurian novels as it is loved by both children and adults. Though similar in many ways to other works of the same subject, such as Malorys, White gives new details, meanings, and insightful modernization to the st ory, giving it an earthy quality which the reader can identify with. Whites rendering of the Arthurian legend differs from the traditional versions in that he includes contemporary knowledge and concepts, adds new stories and characters to the legend, and provides new perspectives by probing deeper into the existing tales. We will write a custom essay on Themes In Once And Future King specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now AnachronismIt is the contemporary tone in The Once and Future King, which gives the novel its present-day feeling. This helps the reader to relate to the story, rather than placing it in strictly within the context of the Arthurian period. For example, early in the novel Eton College is referred to, which White then points out was not founded until 1440, but the place was nevertheless of the same sort(4). Another example of anachronism can be found during a discussion between Merlyn and Wart, when Merlyn exclaims Castor and Pollux blow me to Bermuda! (86). During the days of Arthur, Bermuda was an unknown place, and would not be discovered until the fifteenth century. Though these references have no true significance to the plot of the story, White uses anachronism as a device to aid the reader in association with the context. And, as in other of Whites novels, the authors presence is apparent (Fries 260), giving the feeling of an oral storytelling. These almost too frequent historic al tangents are designed to underline the anachronism of the teller (Fries 260). White also uses anachronism to convey a more penetrating idea; relating the life of Arthur to modern society. Whites novel constitutes his search for answers to the problems of the modern world. When Merlyn and Wart are discussing knighthood, Wart expresses his desire to encounter all the evil in the world so that if I conquered there would be none left. Merlyn then insightfully replies that that would be extremely presumptuous, and he would be conquered for it (184). In this, White is conveying the notion that society cannot be governed by might alone. Stephen Dunn exposes the concept that Whites world is still the world as we, unfortunately, know it (367). Merlyns relations of contemporary British fox hunting to medieval war make this evident. Merlyn educates Wart to expose him to faults present in society so that he may correct them when he becomes king. These faults are still present in todays society, which is precisely the point White is making. T. H. Whites The Once and Future King is one of the most complete and unique portrayals of the immortal legend of King Arthur. Though it has been in print for less than half a century, it has already been declared a classic by many, and is often referred to as the bible of Arthurian legend. White recreates the epic saga of King Arthur, from his childhood education and experiences until his very death, in a truly insightful and new way. This is not, however, the first complete novel of Arthurs life. In the fifteenth century, Sir Thomas Malory wrote Morte dArthur, the first complete tale of Arthurs life. Since then, a countless number of books have been written on the subject, yet none can compare to The Once and Future King. It has easily become the most popular of all the Arthurian novels, as both children and adults love it. Though similar in many ways to other works of the same subject, such as Malorys, White gives new details, meanings, and insightful modernization to the story, g iving it an earthy quality, which the reader can identify with. Whites rendering of the Arthurian legend differs from the traditional versions in that he includes contemporary knowledge and concepts, adds new stories and characters to the legend, and provides new perspectives by probing deeper into the existing tales. .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 , .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .postImageUrl , .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 , .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50:hover , .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50:visited , .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50:active { border:0!important; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50:active , .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50 .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud95dfc6251a2a46d267bd7d275351c50:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parts of a Holy Mass EssayAnachronismIt is the contemporary tone in The Once and Future King, which gives the novel its present-day feeling. This helps the reader to relate to the story, rather than placing it in strictly within the context of the Arthurian period. For example, early in the novel Eton College is referred to, which White then points out was not founded until 1440, but the place was nevertheless of the same sort(4). Another example of anachronism can be found during a discussion between Merlyn and Wart, when Merlyn exclaims Castor and Pollux blow me to Bermuda! (86). During the days of Arthur, Bermuda was an unknown place, and would not be discovered until t he fifteenth century. Though these references have no true significance to the plot of the story, White uses anachronism as a device to aid the reader in association with the context. And, as in other of Whites novels, the authors presence is apparent (Fries 260), giving the feeling of an oral storytelling. These almost too frequent historical tangents are designed to underline the anachronism of the teller (Fries 260). White also uses anachronism to convey a more penetrating idea; relating the life of Arthur to modern society. Whites novel constitutes his search for answers to the problems of the modern world. When Merlyn and Wart are discussing knighthood, Wart expresses his desire to encounter all the evil in the world so that if I conquered there would be none left. Merlyn then insightfully replies that that would be extremely presumptuous, and he would be conquered for it (184). In this, White is conveying the notion that society cannot be governed by might alone. Stephen Dunn exposes the concept that Whites world is still the world as we, unfortunately, know it (367). This is made evident by Merlyns relations of contemporary British fox hunting to medieval war. Merlyn educates Wart to expose him to faults present in society so that he may correct them when he becomes king. These faults are still present in todays society, which is precisely the point White is making. T. H. White also conquers the task of avoiding a monotonous recreation of the Arthurian legend by adding new and unique characters and stories in his novel. The addition of King Pellinore for example is unique to The Once and Future King. When White first introduces Pellinore, he is fumbling with his glasses, falls off his horse to search for them visor shutting in the process, and exclaimed Oh, dear!' (16). Pellinore appears throughout the novel at the traditional medieval events and plays a key role in Warts education. Sirol Hugh-Jones credits White with saying that he has developed a love affair with King Pellinorethe only addition to Malory (ix). White creates the character of King Pellinore to exhibit the farce of medieval custom, much as Miguel de Cervantes does with Don Quixote, as well as creating comic relief. White tries to eliminate the problem of strict reverence by adding characters such as Pellinore. In addition to new characters, White adds new adventures as well. In Arthurian novels of the past, Warts education was not a prominent event. However, as C. M. Adderly writes, education is the theme which most clearly gives The Once and Future King its structure (55). Warts education gives Whites novel an overlay in theme of the advancement of the human nature. Merlyn tells Wart the best thing for being sad is to learn something (185). The best thing for being sad, replied Merlyn, beginning to puff and blow, is to learn something. Thats the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing, which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, and never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.White puts a great deal of emphasis on the education of Wart because it is through this that the character of Arthur, along with his personality, morals, and virtue are defined. This stress of education in The Once and Future King is unique, and sets it apart from the t raditional Arthurian legend. .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c , .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .postImageUrl , .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c , .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c:hover , .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c:visited , .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c:active { border:0!important; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c:active , .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua9e5ed35fad336b366837b5cc008219c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: autism EssayThe Once and Future King also varies from the traditional tale by probing deeper into the story, beyond the tradition, adding new perspectives and outlooks. Before, the legend of King Arthur was told more as a fairy tale. J. R. Cameron writes White has not adopted the stereotypical Middle Ages of most fiction (447). White uses the Arthurian legend to illustrate a historical pride of England, as well as a view of the progression of Aristotelian society. Also, White uses this view to expose faults in contemporary society. The past stories of Arthur had glorified him almost to the point of making him immortal. But White, when telling of the death of Arthur, writes that the fate of this man was less than a drop, although it was a sparkling one, in the great blue motion of the sunlit sea (677). White sees that the Arthurian legend is not so much the glorification of one man, but the basis and backbone of an entire country. White also redevelops and expands the characters of the Arthurian legend, giving the novel more consistency and allowing his readers to relate to these characters. White exposes the emotions and personalities of his characters, rather than just telling of their actions. White displays the characters emotions and feelings in order for them to be acceptable to the twentieth century reader (Cameron 447). After Wart pulls the sword from the anvil in the churchyard, making him the king of England, he is regarded with much reverence by his companions and even his family. Observing this, he declares Oh, dear, I wish I had never seen that filthy sword at all. After this the Wart also burst into tears (210). White shows the emotions and feelings of Wart and gives a sense of reality to this character. J. R. Cameron writes that Malory made no attempt to analyze the characters; Tennyson robbed his characters of most of their reality (447). White, however, gave much depth and realness to his char acters, setting The Once and Future King apart from other versions of the Arthurian legend. HumorAnother important addition by White to the legend of Arthur is that of humor. The Arthurian legend has been told with so much reverence and importance for many centuries. White, however, adds humor to the story, giving his novel versatility. Stephen Dunn writes White said that humor was put in to make the moral and philosophical pillwhich, in all conscience, is a fairly bitter oneslide down more easily (365). White writes of the confrontation between King Pellinore and Sir Grummore Grummersom in an extremely humorous manner. During the course of their duel, the two constantly argue and bicker like children, They stood opposite each other for about half an hour, and walloped each other on the helm (63). Through this, White exposes the humor in chivalric life and gives the story a comedic quality. White also utilizes humor in the characterization of Merlyn. Merlyn, who is regarded in the novel as a very wise and intelligent person, is introduced as a disorganized, short-tempered old man. When Wart first encounters Merlyn, the great magician tries to conjure up a pencil and piece of paper, and humorously fails repeatedly. As a result of his frustration, he flies into a passion in which he said by-our-lady quite often (28). This depiction of Merlyn shows his amusing and funny personality, which White exposes throughout the novel. The frequent use of comedy gives Whites novel a unique twist which cannot be found in the traditional versions of the story. When T. H. White decided to write The Once and Future King, he realized that his task would be an ambitious one. He faced the challenge of telling a tale which has been present for centuries, in a new way which would make it of interest to readers. His recreation of the Arthurian legend more than lives up to that challenge. The addition of new themes, anachronism, characters such as King Pellinore, and new adventures gives the novel a unique flair without straying too far from the traditional legend. The deeper interpretations of the characters and events in the story provide for a truth and authenticity not to be found in similar works, and the sense of humor gives Whites novel an individual touch. T. H. Whites The Once and Future King is one of the best retellings of the Arthurian legend, and his additions to the tale create an invigorating and entertaining combination, ranking it among the most popular and best read of all.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

United States Imigration Law Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

United States Imigration Law Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers United States Imigration Law US immigration law is arguably the most complex in the World with fifty-three different types of non-immigrant visas and a number of ways of gaining permanent residence (the "Green Card"). For many people it is a difficult and lengthy process gaining a "Green Card" on an initial basis. It is frequently far better to apply for one of the non-immigrant visas and then apply for an adjustment of status to "lawful permanent residence". I do not propose to cover every conceivable type of visa available but to try and cover the more common types. WORK RELATED NON-IMMIGRANT VISAS The H Non-Immigrant Visas There is the H-1B visa for a "specialty occupation" as a "specialist knowledge worker". This is normally for someone who is a graduate or graduate equivalent and allows entry into the US for up to six years to work for a company in the US. The question of "graduate equivalent" is much misunderstood as there are many non-graduates with a properly documented case who may be able enter the US on this basis. It is an indication of the demand for professionally trained nurses in the US that there is even a particular visa, the H-1A to cover this. The general requirements are that you should have a "license" or equivalent to practise and are fully qualified to engage in your intended employment. The H-2B visa allows entry for both skilled or unskilled works. The main requirement is that one needs to adhere to what is called "labor certification" to show that there are no unemployed but qualified American citizens or permanent residents who can fill the vacancy. It is not normally permitted to apply for permanent residence after entry on this particular visa. The H-3 visa is for training that should be of use outside the US. If possible the training should be of a type that will utilise your present experience and qualifications and/or future proposed employment. It would also be useful to show that there is some form of benefit to the US employer. There is also the H-2A for agricultural workers. The E Non-Immigrant Visas The E-1 Treaty Trader visa is for someone who will be an employee of a business where there is "substantial trade" between the UK and the US. The E-2 Treaty Investor visa is for someone who is an employee of a business where there has been substantial investment from a UK business or businessman. These are the only non-immigrant visas that allow for extensions indefinitely (obviously not the same as a "Green Card"). The L-1 Non-Immigrant Visa If your employer or a company in the US have an "affiliate" or "subsidiary" in either country there is the L-1 Intra-Company Transferee visa. The main requirement is that you should be a manager or executive or an employee with specialised knowledge. This allows entry for between five and seven years depending on the type of employment. The J-1 Non-Immigrant Visa The aim of this programme is to foster international relations by bringing exchange visitors into the US to acquire skills that can be utilised in their home country. These programmes need to be designated by the United States Information Agency. If you wish to work for a short period of time, the easiest method may be on a J-1 exchange visitor visa. However if you wish to apply for a "more permanent" non-immigrant visa at a later date or permanent residence, depending on the scheme, there may be problems. Other Non-Immigrant Visas I: Representative of foreign information media M-1: Vocational or other recognised non-academic student O-1: Aliens with extraordinary ability in sciences, arts, education, business or athletics P-1 to P-3: Athletes or entertainers Q-1: International Cultural Exchange Programme R-1: Religious Occupation BUSINESS NON-IMMIGRANT VISAS The L-1 Non-Immigrant Visa This is normally used for an employee as an "Intra Company Transferee", however under certain circumstances owners, stockholders, or partners in an organisation will be able to take advantage of this. At the same time such an application is somewhat more complex. The E Non-Immigrant Visas The E-1 visa can be utilised by UK nationals and certain other nationals for a business where you will be engaging in substantial trade with the UK; this normally means at least fifty

Friday, February 28, 2020

Geertz and Pacanowsky Cultural Approach to Organization Essay

Geertz and Pacanowsky Cultural Approach to Organization - Essay Example From the film ‘Developing Organizational Culture,’ Tom examines how the theory can be applied in promoting an organizational culture within a workplace. He says that culture needs to be inclusive. Meaning, it should not come from one dominant section, but be a blend that reflects the entire organization. He agrees that culture is not organization, itself, is a culture and does not necessarily need to have one. Also, he concurs that it is a unique and elusive system of shared meaning which should be embraced by everyone as it determines what the organization stands for. No organization is made up of one person. Their complexities and diversities dictate that they need to be favorable for all. In conclusion, Cultural Approach to Organization is a brilliant theory that, if effectively applied in management, can help in producing an ideal workplace. Geertz and Pacanowsky did a commendable by doing a great research that can help in producing an excellent workplace. Surely, no organization has a culture because it is the very organization which is a culture. At the same time, it needs to be drawn from the narratives from the personal, corporate and collegial stories. For all organizations to excel, they need to have a set of culture which defines their system. As seen in the article and film, its effective application can help in promoting effective interpersonal and organizational communication which can in turn help in creating harmony within the workplace. It shows that the theory can help a lot if properly applied.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Developmental Psychology Observation paper Essay

Developmental Psychology Observation paper - Essay Example By this time, there were about five of us outside watching her out-of-control behavior. My brother took her arms and tried to make Annalise laugh, and in turn she smacked him right in the face. Lisa, Annalise's mother, finally came out to help, but by this time Annalise was on a mission. She went after her mother, kicking her in the legs. As Lisa tried to pick her up, she pulled her mother's hair and wanted down. Annalise was so disturbed that she took off down the driveway, into the street, and laid down in the middle of the road. Although they eventually managed to get her back into the yard, her tantrum continued for at least fifteen minutes longer. By this time, my son had woken up crying because of the commotion going on outside, and I just wanted to go home. Luckily, the whole ride home went smoothly because Annalise fell back asleep. This episode left me asking myself many questions. Who are the parents here How often does this happen Does Annalise become angry often What woul d I do if this were my child Many theorists could place Annalise's behavior into their developmental stages. Freud would say that Annalise fits perfectly into the anal stage. During this stage, the biggest challenge faced by the child is potty training.