Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Personal Note On Using Photoshop - 1710 Words

Most of the idea s for using Photoshop, though good ideas, have become normal . Making yourself skinnier, deleting the background of your picture, all of these are great ways to utilize the tools in the program but if you re looking for something that maybe you haven t thought about doing, here are some ideas to help you on your photo-editing journey. Add Clothing: With the economy in such a bad shape, everyone wants to look good without paying designer prices. With Photoshop you can wear any clothing you d like for free. Free standing Clothes- If the clothing you want is in a picture by itself, take a picture of yourself either naked or scantily clad (depending on where the clothing would cover up. Ex: A tank top would look a little strange on top of a t-shirt...) If you re female be sure to pay special attention to how the shirt bends around the breast area, if it s something like a tank top and you should be able to see the top curve of the breasts, an ace bandage will work in place of a bra to eliminate the strap problem. Save the picture of the clothing you want and open it alongside the picture of yourself. (File- Open-Your Picture-Windows-Arrange Vertically/Horizontally.) Open up a new layer named clothing on the picture of yourself, and decide on a place in the clothing that you can easily match up to a part of your body, usually where the neck meets the shoulder, the underarm crease, or the center point of your cleavage. Then, using theShow MoreRelatedReport For The Hanover Design Company1465 Words   |  6 PagesDiffered graphics Cards of different prices can perform according to their price. Generally, the higher the price the better the performance. RAM RAM is used to when running a program. 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